Jackie Greene Celebrates His Birthday with a Small Gathering of Loyal Fans and Friends | JamBandsOnline.com

Jackie Greene Celebrates His Birthday with a Small Gathering of Loyal Fans and Friends

December 1, 2018

Photos and Review by Linda Tulett. 

I had not planned to write a review. I really just wanted to be a spectator…. with a camera. But, I feel compelled to share, even if just a little bit. Share what we all experienced last Saturday evening at the very unique 142 Throckmorton Theatre in Mill Valley. This was announced as a solo acoustic show and the only way to get a ticket was to win, and it was announced that only 100 lucky winners (and their plus one) would get in the doors for this. That’s it. That’s all. Tickets were not transferable so you should have been committed. If you missed the email or failed to respond in time, the tickets went to someone else, so you had to pay attention. I literally almost missed it, but the goddesses were on my side. Yay!

As the crowd gathered, it started to feel like a little family reunion. Jackie’s career started a while back and some of us have been along for the ride for quite some time (ah, the awkward hair days and that vest). Back in the day, the band would just hang out with everyone, maybe catch a drink at the bar after the show, talk set list, jams and instruments. Jackie may have even (likely not “may have”) bummed a cigarette off of one of us and then stood there chatting until the last puff. We miss those days, but we are also happy to see others joining the band wagon and helping to sell out his shows. This night felt like one of those days gone by; as I looked around the room and felt like I saw familiar faces everywhere. We hugged friends and fans we hadn’t seen in a long while, and it was perfect.

Lately, the acronym STFU has gained major popularity as some in the crowd have to deal all night long with others who just want to chat. It’s disrespectful don’t ya know, not just to those around you but to the musician on stage who is playing for YOU. This night? You could hear a pin drop. We listened intently as he sang and played, as he told stories of why, where and when the songs came about, how they changed and morphed, how they went into the trash and came back out something different. We asked some good and some silly questions and Jackie played along, giving back straight and not so straight answers. But, mainly, we sat hanging on every note as the goosebumps covered our bodies and his vocals caressed our ears.

That’s the Jackie Greene we grew to love. This is why he has the loyals he does, because of who he is, how he is, how he creates and shares this gift he’s been given. Not sure how soon we’ll get a treat like this again, but I do know that this is one night I will not soon forget. Thank you Jackie, for the years of music, the spirit you have, the talent you share that continues to grow. Thank you for the memories and the friends we’ve made. There are quite a number of very special people in my life, and I’ve met them at one of your shows. So, yeah, Thank You. And, this night, oh this night… Thank you for throwing this party and giving away tickets to your fans. It shows us how much you care. And, I can’t forget to thank the 142 Throckmorton Theatre and Blue Rose Music and their respective staff – it wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t offer the space and the support.

And, wishing you a very Happy Birthday. We love ya man.



Jackie Greene, Solo Acoustic
142 Throckmorton Theatre
November 24, 2018

Ghosts of Promised Lands
I Don’t Live in a Dream
Gone Wanderin’
Honey, I Been Thinking About You
I’m So Gone
Drown in My Own Tears>
Don’t Let the Devil Take Your Mind
Prayer for Spanish Harlem
So Many Roads>
Victim of the Crime
Ballad of Sleepy John
Like a Ball and Chain

Encore: Sweet Somewhere Bound




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