JBO Talks to SCI’s Jason Hann About All Things Hulaween, The Next Album, and Big Plans for 2023!  

In a post Covid world, it is nice to see our favorite bands get back out there finally and bring back the jams and community we were missing so badly and slowly, but surely, all our favorite artists are getting back to the kind of schedules we were all used to before the pandemic and The String Cheese Incident is no exception.  I had a great chat last week with the bands enthusiastic percussionist Jason and here is some of what went down: JamBandsOnline: What are you and the band up to today? Rehearsing for Hulaween by any chance?  Jason: We are in pre production mode. We’re going to record and album soon, so we’re with a new producer that we’ve been with this week and are just going through all these new ideas and getting everything all flushed out with some arrangements and some different approaches to songs, and its been a real amazing kind of creative week, so we are all super psyched. JBO: Well that is just awesome bonus information, because the possibility of recording a new album wasn’t even on my list of questions, but it is now. Tell me more about this new producer? JH: … Continue reading JBO Talks to SCI’s Jason Hann About All Things Hulaween, The Next Album, and Big Plans for 2023!